I’m honored and grateful that the lines has been featured in magazines like AD magazine, ELLE Decoration UK, ELLE Decoration Sweden, ELLE magazine in Sweden & Denmark, Costume, RUM International, My Residence magazine, Residence magazine and in The Way We Play m.fl.

I’ve worked with DURIETZ DESIGN and their beautiful projects on Mallorca:

Camp Roig 31 & Santa Teresa 34.

A collaboration with the AUDO HOUSE in Copenhagen. About intuition, my creative process, how I started to paint… Interview with AUDO HOUSE.

Lines at Ayäm Studio in Stockholm.

Collaboration with ODEM Atelier (2018).

Exhibition & collaboration with Grand Relations (2020).

Featured in the book “Konstigare?” by the publisher House of Amalou (2021).


STORM JOURNAL by Carolina Storm: Interview No. 40 - Josephine Aune on Spirituality, Motherhood and Divine Timing. (June 2024).

Stjärnskottet: “Linjerna öppnade upp något nytt” Interview with ELLE DECORATION. (April issue 2020).

“Mjuka linjers estetik” The (previous) home of Filippa Lindén Von Heidenstam Residence Magazine.

“Lilla Paris i Vasastan” The home of Sara Bille in Residence Magazine.

Livsstilscoachen: “Se det stora i det lilla” Interview about my life & rituals with ELLE.

“Stora inlägget om konst i hemmet” Sofia Wood/ELLE.